Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Topic Tuesday: J-Law Shuts Down Reporter on Phone

Jennifer Lawrence may be known for her sassy-ass comments as much as she is for being a Hollywood actress but her latest mouthful seems to have gotten her into a little bit of bother. Headlines on the papers read she 'scolded' the reporter in question and she has been labelled 'culturally insensitive' by critics. Don't you think that's taking this a little TOO far? The reporter hasn't verbalised his hurt at her comments - why should he? - but the media are damaging J-Law's reputation.

AFTER WINNING BEST ACTRESS at the Golden Globes and being the only winner to HUG HER OPPONENT (which none of the articles have mentioned) J-Law shut down a reporter because he was on his mobile phone. 'You can't live your whole life behind your phone bro. You gotta live in the NOW' she told him. There goes the Hollywood A-lister millions of us gals can ACTUALLY relate to. *Audience laughs*. The reporter then asks her about the upcoming Oscars - an event for which the nominations haven't even been released for yet. Obviously not wanting to blow her own trumpet talking about a prospective nomination - and also continuing her 'live in the NOW' comment, she continued 'this is the Golden Globes, if you put your phone down you would know that'. *Audience laughs... including the reporter*.

Watch the video here:

Instead of talking about how beautiful she looks - like they have with all the other ladies - or mentioning the fact she HUGGED HER OPPONENT the media have decided to focus on these comments - despite the reporter not taking any offence, obvi. How is everyone reacting to this? By drawing their attention to the fact the reporter's first language wasn't English. Irrelevant. Let me tell you - if the reporter was English, J-Law would have still said the SAME comments. And let's be real - if the reporter was so bad at English he had to use Google Translate or whatever on his phone he wouldn't be a reporter. 

I won't get all 'LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE' on you, I just hope J-Law's reputation isn't tarnished just because the media are looking for something to complain about. 

I'll leave you with a video of her hugging Amy Schumer and her very touching acceptance speech.

Spread positivity like confetti.
Ciao for now xo

Friday, 1 January 2016

12 days of Christmas: Day 12, The Healthy Recipe


It's day one of sticking to New Years Resolutions so here is a healthy juice recipe to keep up with my goal: 'Be More Healthy'. This one is full of antioxidants which boost your immune system... no I'm not lying, Google it. I'll keep this one brief as I'm sure you're all tired and/or hungover. And also I don't think I need to tell you how to slice fruit.

You can also substitute the water with milk (skimmed for a healthy option) or fresh orange juice - but in case you missed the post on Day 10, I can't have milk any-more - and we didn't have any fresh orange juice in the house - so I'm using water. Ingredient measurements will vary depending on the size of your cup. I used a small Nutri-bullet container and this is what I used:

1 banana
1/2 reed grapefruit
1 satsuma
100ml water/milk/juice
Ice (optional)

1. Cut it up, throw it in, blend and drink.

I hope you've enjoyed 12 days of Christmas 2015. Should I do it again next year?

Merry Blogmas and a Happy New Year!